The highways in the United states carry a lot of truck traffic from pickups to huge eighteen wheelers, and every one of them can cause an accident. Trucks have many big blind spots and lack the maneuverability and ability to stop quick. They often don’t see smaller cars, so even if the truck doesn’t jackknife or roll over, they can hit or crush cars and injure those people inside.


Because of their large size, truck accidents usually result in more serious injuries, such as burn injuries, and extensive damage to property than car accidents or motorcycle accidents do. While the truck driver may be driving to the best of their abilites, the companies that own the truck may often disregard maintaining the vehicle, and tires, brakes, and other components may be worn or defective. These factors may not be noticed by you, especially if you or a loved one has suffered any injury, but these are the points Personal Injury Law Group, will check while you recover.


If you’re in a truck accident, chances are hiring an attorney isn’t the first thing you think of, especially if anyone’s been injured. While you should always quickly seek medical care for anyone who’s been injured and collect insurance and personal information from everyone involved in the crash, it’s best to keep from discussing the accident with anyone except the police. Don’t assume blame or assign it to anyone since this can affect your settlement.


The insurance company will offer you an initial settlement, but their proposal only includes their own interests. They want to settle the claim quickly with no problems, but no matter how pleasant the adjuster seems, don’t make any decision or sign anything until you’ve spoken with a personal injury attorney. Statistically, those who have their claims negotiated by an experienced attorney receive much higher settlements than those offered by insurance companies, who regularly fail to provide any compensation for pain and suffering. We know the tactics the insurance companies will use to protect their interests, and we will help you pursue your claim to make sure that all of your interests receive the attention they deserve so that you can receive the best settlement.

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